Season 4

South Sudan

Following the footsteps of Shilluk

It is YouTuber and comedian Baptiste Lorber’s turn to be featured in this new season of the humanitarian series produced by SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL. In South Sudan, Baptiste will spend a week immersed with our teams in the village of Aburoc, where they provide drinking water to about ten thousand people who have fled their lands to escape the fighting. How do they survive despite drought and destitution? What will happen to these forgotten people if SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL had to leave due to the lack of resources? The young man will testify to the urgency of their situation and try to bring those meets closer to our screens and our concerns.

With Baptiste Lorber

Donate €30 (€7.5 tax exemption of the taxable income) to provide a person with drinking water for 1 month

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Up close with Baptiste Lorber

Through the photographer's eye